5G Awareness York
We are a York based unaffiliated group of committed individuals aiming to spread awareness about the potential effects of 5G on health, environment and privacy.
Worldwide scientists and doctors have called for a moratorium on the implementation of 5G. Exposure from electromagnetic fields will greatly increase with 5G and these fields have already been proven to harm life. Medical conditions such as lowered fertility, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, major changes in brain structure, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormonal disruption and cancer have been scientifically noted by professionals as a result of exposure to the already existent 2G/3G/4G radiation.
It is imperative that we halt the rollout of 5G in York, across the UK and the rest of the world until it has passed rigorous testing by independent scientific researchers.
Letter to MP
In the recent issue of the Light Paper, (Issue 26 October 2022 page 8), there was a Call to Action. The call to action was to send an email or letter to your MP asking them to watch the video "No More Lies" and to support the second reading of a private members bill - Telecommunications Infrastructure (Consultation) Bill which is due to receive its second reading on 18th November 2022.
To assist you here is a word document that you can use to contact your MP:
Here is a link to find your MP (and their email address):
The main purpose of this website is to help people inform themselves about 5G and the risks to health - mental, physical and environmental. On the Information page there are numerous links to other websites that contain lots of information, videos and links to scientific papers and reports.
For those of you that do not have time to spend watching the videos, we have selected one video below that sums up the issue. This is a recording of a meeting of the US Senate in February 2019 with Senator Blumenthal where it was made clear that there is no testing being carried out on the biological effects of 5G and we are effectively "flying blind".
Images below of the front and back of our 5G leaflets

Historic Win - links from the Defender

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) won its historic case today against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a case challenging the agency’s decision not to review its 1996 health and safety guidelines regarding wireless-based technologies including 5G.