Health and Well Being Board - City of York Council
Ocean, one of the organizers of 5G Awareness York, spoke at the Health and Well Being Board of the City of York Council on 26th October 2020 and 4th March 2020. The meetings are live streamed on YouTube.
Below is the video for the most recent talk on 28th October 2020. In summary Ocean asked for:
1. A response that was promised from the 4th Match 2020 meeting
2. A working group is set up to investigate 5G and EMF radiation
A response was given by Fiona Philips (standing in for Sharon Stolz who seems to spend most of her time on holiday or not working) that the council follows PHE which follows ICNIRP guidelines. The latest advice was issued on 3 Oct 2019:
It is possible that there may be a small increase in overall exposure to radio waves when 5G is added to an existing network or in a new area. However, the overall exposure is expected to remain low relative to guidelines and, as such, there should be no consequences for public health.
PHE is committed to monitoring the evidence applicable to this and other radio technologies, and to revising its advice, should that be necessary.
The status of PHE is in doubt due to concerns over its failure re Corona-virus - see report in the Independent. We can only hope that PHE is disbanded as it has proved not fit for purpose.
No answer was given to point 2, other than local expertise on this "very technical area" was not available locally.
28 October 2020
The video of the entire meeting (c2hrs) is shown opposite. Ocean's speech starts at 2.17.
4 March 2020
The video of the entire meeting (c2hrs) is shown opposite. Ocean's speech starts at 7.30.