Planning Application 20/01031/FUL for a 5G mast on top of the Park Inn was approved by the City of York council despite objections from 5G Awareness York and Cllr Rosie Baker. The planning meeting was recorded and can be seen on Youtube (Listen from 8.20)
The application can be seen on the CYC planning portal (use 20/01031/FUL in the search bar).
Our response was to send the attached letter to Ian Floyd the acting chief executive.
An extract from the letter:
"16th December 2020
I was disappointed to find that the planning application for a 5G mast on Park Inn Hotel was approved.
I am considering appealing the decision on a fundamental point of law. The point of law is that the members of the planning committee committed the serious offence of “abandonment of duty whilst holding public office”. The City of York Council has a paramount duty to protect the health and well-being of the people that they serve.
I suggest, therefore, that you review your decision most urgently and at the very least freeze all further actions by the applicant until this has been dealt with.
I would also like to know what happens if the 5G mast is installed, switched on and the radiation from it and the associated network of repeaters and base stations, exceed the levels set out in the ICNIRP guidelines.
Please also be aware that the risks from 5G are uninsurable."
